I want to suggest to the listserver admin (again) that this list and others
on vger.kernel.org be restricted so that you can only post to the list if
you are a member. Anyone can read it, but you have to sign up to post to
the list. At least then, the spammers/scammers have to go thru an extra
step that can have their mail server blocked from posting on this list. I'm
getting damn tired of getting 50-75 spams per day in my inbox and I don't
even use my email address on websites to post.
----- Original Message -----
From: Hell.Surfers@cwctv.net <Hell.Surfers@cwctv.net>
To: <linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 8:44 PM
Subject: The spam problem.
> I know this is offtopic, but the spam problem is getting worse, could the
linux-kernel mail guy/gal, do something, the nigerian scams are actually
> -
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