At OLS I videotaped Stephen Tweedie's keynote,
and I'm looking for a home for the resulting files:
-r--r--r-- 1 rugolsky rugolsky 679204334 Jul 12 23:19 ols-sct-keynote.avi
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rugolsky rugolsky 67302500 Jul 13 10:33 ols-sct-keynote.mp3
[The video was created with dvgrab/transcode and is 720x480 in XviD 2.0 (CVS)
format, 32KHz audio, playable with mplayer/xine/etc., and will fit nicely on
a 700MB CD. The raw video was 15GB. As for the quality, well I'm no
videographer; you can apply a filter to remove my arm jitter, if you
like. :-)]
The recording covers Ted's introduction, all of Stephen's talk, with the
exception of a minute for a tape change, and most of the Q/A session.
My battery died about three minutes before the end of the talk and missed
the discussion of single malt whiskey. :-/
If someone has the bandwidth to host either file (taking into
consideration that you *will* eventually be Slashdotted), please drop me
a private e-mail, and I'll give you a URL so that you can retrieve it
(on Monday, as I'll be gone the rest of the weekend).
Bill Rugolsky
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