There are lots that fudge around and pretend scsi is the block layer
when it is not. That sort of misses the point and slows down high end
raid cards.
> I believe it's OK to drop support for 10 year old hardware in case this
> is no important hardware that _really_ needs continued support (like
> e.g. 9 track trapes).
We support and people continue to use large amounts of ten year old
hardware. Thats why children at quite a few schools have access to
computing through things like LTSP. There are people actively
maintaining much of this stuff too.
Some things such as ide tapes which have needs rather different to scsi
tape are still being made and released in newer and larger forms.
> ATA devices that are neither hard disks, nor do support ATAPI decently
> are Y 1992 crap - so unless you like to have continued support for your
> provate museum, what is the reason that you like to prevent a change
> to a more usable driver interface?
You still don't seem to understand the difference between a driver
interface and a hardware layer.
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