Re: [STATUS 2.5] July 10, 2002

Richard J Moore (
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 15:21:23 -0400

> Nobody seemed to be interested in this toolkit. The (s|l)trace toolkit
> kdb seemed to be sufficient for the most developers. (I don't whine here
> either.)

That' ridiculous - there's quite a lot of interest in having a
comprehensive system trace capability. The OLS RAS BoF confirmed that. This
sort of capability is essential for system serviceability. Talk to any
Service Engneer who has to deal with real-word non-recreatable problems,
which are nevertheless of enormous impact to a customer.

I would accept that LTT doesn't yet have all the desired features, but
those are one the way and this demonstates a definite interest in LTT.
Also, LTT is currently or about to be distributed in the Monta Vista's
carrier grade offering, Lineo and TurboLinux's enterprise server offering.
There's also a strong possibility that it will end up in United Linux 1.0
- no interest? I don't think so.

Richard J Moore RAS Project Lead - IBM Linux Technology Centre

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