Re: IBM Desktar disk problem?

Daniel Egger (
09 Jul 2002 22:35:37 +0200

Am Die, 2002-07-09 um 15.23 schrieb Bill Davidsen:

> Not so. More people would mess up the firmware upgrade and destroy drives
> which were working (for them) without error than would be helped. Two old
> adages apply here, "first, do no harm," and "if it ain't broken don't fix
> it." I never upgrade firmware unless I have a problem or need a new
> capability, new firmware can have new bugs.

Granted, but since the older firmware *is* known to have some radical
bugs, the chance that the new one with just this bug fixed is more buggy
than the old one is close to zero. And since this upgrade is said to be
a possible candidate to prevent most of the failures (which I doubt,
really), this would be the sensible way to go. However I do not see
how an error corrupting the drive on a S.M.A.R.T. offline test could
possibly affect a drive in a system that doesn't even have S.M.A.R.T.
software installed.

So I stand by my claim that the latest IBM drives are piss-poor in
quality and the way IBM acts is irresponsible and unacceptable.

Depending on how they replace my broken (non-OEM) drives in the next
days (or weeks) I'll be deciding whether to go to court or not. In the
meantime I'll replace all remaining IBM drives by other brands and sell
the chunk on Ebay....


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