Re: [OT] freezing afer switching from graphical to console
Bongani (
09 Jul 2002 22:32:19 +0200
On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 19:27, J Sloan wrote:
> wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>since 2.4.17 I have got a problem: trying to switch from graphical
> >>screen to console or to stop my X-session my box freezes. The screen
> >>gets black and nothing more happens. Pressing any keys or trying to
> >>
> >>
> >
> >This only happens to me if I load the NVidia drivers if you are using
> >them that could be you
> >problem.
> >
> >
> How bizzarre - I've never seen that
> with the nvidia drivers - I gave away
> an ATI card to a windoze user since
> the ATI DRI would hard lock the box.
> (I know, help is on the way, but I had
> an immediate need!)
> Since switching to a GeForce 2, there
> have been no problems whatsoever.
> When you say "that only happens" if
> you "load the nvidia drivers", do you
> mean to say that you only see that
> freeze if you run X windows? Or, that
> you see it only if you enable DRI?
> Lots of things beside nvidia to blame,
> if we are on a witchhunt....
> Joe
I am also using GeForce 2 currently I am using the nvidia drivers
that comes with X window. NOTE: they do _not_ support DRI. The only
drivers that support DRI are those that I supplied by NVidia (as far as
I know)
The freeze when switching from graphic mode to console has been around
for a while now look at:
and yes not everyone who complained had the nvidia drivers loaded.
Yes the could be other things that causes the hangs, but _I_ only
experience those hangs when _I_ use the nvidia drivers.I'm not on a
witch hunt, but when I can't reproduce the problem without the nvidia
drivers. I think it is logical to start suspecting that the problem is
caused by those drivers.
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