Re: pipe and af/unix latency differences between aa and jam on smp

J.A. Magallon (
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 03:11:33 +0200

On 2002.07.09 wrote:
>The -jam patchset is interesting because it starts out
>with the entire -aa patchset and adds a few things.
>Sometimes small differences in LMbench between -jam and -aa are
>just CPU bounces on SMP. The difference for pipe and af/unix latency
>only appears on SMP too, but it is very consistent. (My k6/2
>has small differences between -aa and -jam for pipe and af/unix
>You will know better what could make the difference:
>This is the averages:
>*Local* Communication latencies in microseconds - smaller is better
>kernel Pipe AF/Unix
>----------------- ------- -------
>2.4.19-pre10-aa4 33.941 70.216
>2.4.19-pre10-jam2 7.877 16.699

Candidates in pre10-jam2 could be:


excluding anything that has nothing to do with pipes or latency.

Could you try latest -rc1-aa2 ? It includes also irqbalance, so it could be
on varable less in the equation.
I dropped smptimers and irqrate because they did not mix very well with
bproc and O1 scheduler, but I can try to add them again.

I have a rc1-jam2 ready, but the only important change wrt SMP could be the
mem-barrier specific implementation for P3/P4, and your box is an AMD.


J.A. Magallon             \   Software is like sex: It's better when it's free  \                    -- Linus Torvalds, FSF T-shirt
Linux werewolf 2.4.19-rc1-jam2, Mandrake Linux 8.3 (Cooker) for i586
gcc (GCC) 3.1.1 (Mandrake Linux 8.3 3.1.1-0.7mdk)
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