Re: 2.4.19pre10 DevFS + LVM OOPS

Fabio Massimo Di Nitto (
Mon, 08 Jul 2002 18:14:37 +0200

Hi Riley,
here are the results:

trider-g7:/tmp# mkdir X
trider-g7:/tmp# cd X
trider-g7:/tmp/X# mv ../X ../Y
trider-g7:/tmp/X# cd `pwd`
bash: cd: /tmp/X: No such file or directory
trider-g7:/tmp/X# lvcreate -L10M -ntest system
lvcreate -- rounding size up to physical extent boundary
lvcreate -- doing automatic backup of "system"
lvcreate -- logical volume "/dev/system/test" successfully created


as you can see there was no problem at all "unfortunatly".


Riley Williams wrote:

>Hi Fabio.
>>this happend creating a new a lv with the command lvcreate -L512M
>>-ntest system It did 3 times in a row then it worked again. What was
>>strange is that I was in one dir and unfortunalty I don't remember
>>which and it was crashing. I changed dir and then it was working. In
>>the first instance I didn't thought about taking notes but atleast I
>>have a full trace (the machine didn't hang or reboot... it is still
>>alive 100%).
>This may be completely off-track but I've seen it cause wierd problems
>in the past, so worth checking - was the directory you were in when the
>machine crashed one that still existed as far as the file system was

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