Re: Bttv errors with onboard video.

Gerd Knorr (
8 Jul 2002 14:41:16 GMT

> I read a post relating to something similar with the VIA chipset. I
> suppose the "bttv0: irq: SCERR risc_count=1764e020" errors isn't the
> problem for why mine isn't working but just another normal error. Any
> idea on how to put the bttv module into a debug mode?

bogomips kraxel ~# modinfo bttv | grep debug
parm: bttv_debug int, description "debug messages, default is 0 (no)"
parm: irq_debug int, description "irq handler debug messages, default is 0 (no)"

That likely doesn't help you througth. SCERR is a syncronisation error
of the DMA engine. Most likely the bt878 chip has problems to do
PCI-PCI transfers to the onboard video chipset for some reason.


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