Or have I been smoking too much crack? ;)
I've tried this code on several different linux machines, running 2.0.36 -
2.4.7 kernels, and it always acts the same. Doing a write() of more than
1024 bytes on a TCP socket always disables all network connectivity on the
sending machine. (A reboot fixes things, naturally). I've tried the same
code on FreeBSD 4.5 machines with no problems. Is this a limitation in
the kernel networking code, in the IP fragmentation layer, or what? I'm
scratching my head here...thanks in advance for any replies. Off-list, if
you would be so kind...
- --
Ed Carp, N7EKG http://www.pobox.com/~erc 214/986-5870
Director, Software Development
Escapade Server-Side Scripting Engine Development Team
Pensacola - Dallas - London - Dresden
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