KBuild-2.5 getting more serious

Thunder from the hill (thunder@ngforever.de)
Thu, 30 May 2002 16:38:25 -0600 (MDT)


You have seen some implementations by Stingr to linux-2.4. Now it's
getting even more serious.

Some people say they had hacks for kbuild-2.5. I'm quite satisfied with
the new kbuild, so if you have your hacks saved somewhere, please send
them to me! I'll eval them and see if they're useful.

It all ends up in either a big mess or a cleaner tree which even Linus
might accept.


ship is leaving right on time	|	Thunder from the hill at ngforever
empty harbour, wave goodbye	|
evacuation of the isle		|	free inhabitant not directly
caveman's paintings drowning	|	belonging anywhere

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