Re: [PATCH] 2.5.18 IDE 73

Rene Rebe (
Thu, 30 May 2002 17:13:11 +0200 (CEST)


On: Thu, 30 May 2002 15:54:50 +0200,
Martin Dalecki <> wrote:

> > You still need a way to talk all the disk devices. It might be that is
> > devfs /dev/disk, but in case it hasn't permeated your skull yet, in such
> > a situation then -devfs- would need such a list. We also have another
> I don't use and don't care about devfs - it's a misconception in my opinnion.
> What you are potining at is just another symptom of this simple fact.
> After several years of beeing "official" it didn't develer up on
> promises. There are some reasons why the Linux vendors out there get
> well along without it. It is simple not necessary and even worser
> introduces more problems that it promised to solve. No matter how
> vigorous the propnents of it where before Linus give in. It's just another
> try to work around the too narrow major/minor number spaces of Linux
> and well see below:

DevFS is at least used by ROCK Linux and Mandrake. We never had any
problem with it (and most users really like it's features). So please
do not corrupt it. - I save my time not lising the feature list of
devfs we use ...

k33p h4ck1n6

René Rebe (Registered Linux user: #248718 <>)

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