interrupt count (/proc/stat) change in 2.4.19-pre9

Todd R. Eigenschink (
Wed, 29 May 2002 23:04:13 -0500

What's the purpose of this patchlet (below) in 2.4.19-pre9? Interrupt
counts that would otherwise be zero are, of course, a billion larger
than they should be.

Is it trying to induce some sort of intentional overflow in the
interrupt count, or is there some other big-picture change that
requires this? I see the comment from the BK changeset, but I still
don't understand the purpose.

@@ -299,10 +321,11 @@

#if !defined(CONFIG_ARCH_S390)
for (i = 0 ; i < NR_IRQS ; i++)
- len += sprintf(page + len, " %u", kstat_irqs(i));
+ proc_sprintf(page, &off, &len,
+ " %u", kstat_irqs(i) + 1000000000);

rtfm 22:53:54 eigenstr > cat /proc/stat
cpu 348158 0 266880 7305274
cpu0 348158 0 266880 7305274
page 2537925 2677355
swap 16803 25944
intr 16414147 1007920312 1000106007 1000000000 1001336824 1000000003 1000000633 1000000003 1000000035 1006470428 1000000008 1000000004 1000000003 1000176343 1000000000 1000403540 1000000004 1000000000 blah blah blah


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