Re: /dev/hd[ijkl] only using udma (not udma 100)
Mon, 27 May 2002 15:56:22 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 27 May 2002, Simen Timian Thoresen wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > Ive got a machine running debian test dist and 2.4.18. The machine has two
> > promise ata100 tx2 controller cards. My question is why does the devices
> > hde to hdh use udma100 but devices hdi to hdl only use udma. Note on this
> > is that the devices hdi to hdl did i have to make myself (dont know if
> > there is some other configure possibility). All drives are the same model.
> I'm basically observing the same thing - 5 drives connected alone on their own
> ata100 channels (1 on a Via southbridge, 4 on HPT370 channels).
> I'm seing speeds 33, 44, 66 and 69 as when examining /proc/ide/hdx/settings.
> There are 2 differing types of drives, but all are ATA100 capable.
> This is also with 2.4.18, originally slackware 7.1

I booted with:
linux ide0=autotune ide1=autotune ide2=autotune ide3=autotune

and now all drives are running just (U)DMA and speeds on the 3 first
droped to 15m/s.

The settings file you gave here, is there some possibility to configure
settings there? I see things like current_speed and init_speed that would
be nice to try and tweak.

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