Re: patent on O_ATOMICLOOKUP [Re: [PATCH] loopable tmpfs (2.4.17)]

Robert Schwebel (
Mon, 27 May 2002 00:34:32 +0200

On Sun, May 26, 2002 at 11:58:31PM +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> A definitive statement from Victor would indeed be VERY helpful.
> Maybe we all are just mis-interpreting him.
> Victor: It cannot be _that_ difficult to reply to each of Karim's
> questions with a clear "Yes" or "No". Please reply!

We all know what will happen, because we have played this game a thousand
times before: he won't answer. He simply is not interested in a
clearification of the situation.

I know of not a single company besides FSM-Labs who does not answer if you
have questions about the use of their products but points you to a lawyer.

Lately I've talked to some people from a German company who has even
contacted FSM-Labs, because they want to use RTAI for a product and wanted
to be sure if they needed to buy a patent license or not. Even that
potential FSM-Labs customer was roughly told to ask a lawyer.


 | Dipl.-Ing. Robert Schwebel | |
 | Pengutronix - Linux Solutions for Science and Industry |
 |   Braunschweiger Str. 79,  31134 Hildesheim, Germany   |
 |    Phone: +49-5121-28619-0 |  Fax: +49-5121-28619-4    |
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