Re: Linux crypto?

Xavier Bestel (
24 May 2002 23:49:29 +0200

Le ven 24/05/2002 à 19:21, David S. Miller a écrit :
> From: "Thomas 'Dent' Mirlacher" <>
> Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 19:32:48 +0200 (MET DST)
> what about freeswan - with some cleanups?
> They won't let me (or any other US citizen) make any edits to any of
> the ipsec sources if it were to be added to the main tree. That's
> unacceptable because it means that effectively I cannot maintain the
> networking.

Why ? You can make all edits you like, they just won't be folded back to
their tree. You can retrieve all their fixes, just if you have an
important change to do in their core, do it as free speech on their
public mailing list, do not provide a patch.

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