yep I know it is a flood of enoent.
> depending on your setup you will notice how it tries to open a _lot_ of a
> files that do not exist (the "depending on your setup" comes from the fact
> that it depends on things like how quickly it finds your "locale" setup
> from its locale path - you may have one of the setups that puts it in the
> first location glibc searches etc).
> If you don't cache those negative lookups, you will do a low-level
> filesystem lookup for each of those failures, which is _expensive_.
I see now the point, so they cache the information that there's no entry :).
> However, you're right that it probably doesn't help to do this after
> "unlink()" - it's probably only worth doing when actually doing a
Agreed, they should be dropped after unlink, and also if creat fails, so
I think my patch fits perfectly into the vfs caching scheme, the
negative dentries still will be generated for the costantly failed
lookups, but not on after unlink and creat-failures.
> "lookup()" that fails.
> Linus
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