Re: Recent kernel SMP scalability Benchmark/White-paper References.

Hanna Linder (
Thu, 23 May 2002 16:34:39 -0700

Hi Austin,

Check out

(lse= linux scalability effort)

That might be more information than you were looking for.
Another good resource is the lse mailing list at:

We have bi-weekly conference calls where anyone is welcome
to join and ask questions or report your work or whatever.

As a developer working on SMP scalability on Linux I would
say it is getting better but we still have work to do.

Hanna Linder
IBM Linux Technology Center

--On Thursday, May 23, 2002 17:41:55 -0500 Austin Gonyou <> wrote:

> I was looking around on google web, google groups, lkml digests,
>, RedHat, SuSe,,, etc for some benchmarks of
> recent 2.4.x kernels, say 2.4.x > 16, with references to SMP scalability
> problems or successes, etc. Mainly centering around 4-way/8-way x86
> testing in terms of memory bandwidth/utilization, threading performance,
> etc.
> I've not found much in my search so far, and thought at this point it
> might be best to ask on this list to help shorten the search a bit, if
> possible. Of the documents I do have, they're more marketing based and
> not really *technology* based or touch very heavily as to generic
> benchmarking of a standard Linux kernel on SMP.
> I'm hoping to create a white-paper internally, and hopefully externally
> at some point, which can be maintained so others don't have to do the
> same arduous task of trying to find recent data as it pertains to said
> statistics.
> Any help as to recent documentation of this nature would be *overly*
> appreciated!
> In addition to this info, I'm trying to gather information as it
> pertains to the scalability of Linux kernels on 4/8-way x86 systems
> versus Solaris Sparc 4/8-way systems with measurements of the same
> statistics.
> I fear I'm searching for a document which does not exist. TIA.
> -
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