I looked on RH before sending the original post. There's a reason you don't
upgrade a live RedHat machine running Tux for (what is listed to be)
security fixes that do not pertain to a particular machine, without more
knowledge of the crash. I have taken your advice (and Mr. Benjamin
LaHaise's) and upgraded a _sandbox_ machine to see how Tux will behave
during and after the upgrade. With Tux, simply upgrading/installing a new
kernel is not easy as there are incompatibilities between different versions
of the userspace and kernel space portions when version numbers are in a
mixed state (i.e. the upgrade hoses everything and you fall back to the
known kernel). Installing/upgrading to the latest errata kernel requires
Tux's userspace stuff to be upgraded first... If the new kernel dies, my old
kernel will still boot, but Tux may not work (the primary job of said
server) because the userspace stuff is now incompatible. FYI, the machine in
question typically handles 4X the requests as it's brethren NT machines next
to it -- hats off to all you guys!
Billy Rose
> -Doug
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