Re: Linux-2.5.17

Alan Cox (
Wed, 22 May 2002 14:06:00 +0100 (BST)

> Please put the following crap under /proc/sys/fs,
> where it belongs. OK?
> [root@kozaczek fs]# pwd
> /proc/fs
> [root@kozaczek fs]# cat quota
> Version 60501
> Formats
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
> [root@kozaczek fs]#
> Or are are you going to reinvent just enother
> case of /proc/ formatting compatibility problems?!
> And the requirement to have /proc mounted for quoate usage?!

/proc/sys/ is sysctl space.



> (PS. Hah! I found finally someone today who deserves flames! :-).)

You looked in the mirror ?
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