bit 13 = IntrTxAborted
I don't see it below.
/* Enable interrupts by setting the interrupt mask. */
writew(IntrRxDone | IntrRxErr | IntrRxEmpty| IntrRxOverflow| IntrRxDropped|
IntrTxDone | IntrTxAbort | IntrTxUnderrun | IntrPCIErr | IntrStatsMax |
IntrLinkChange | IntrMIIChange, ioaddr + IntrEnable);
Interrupts referenced in the driver and not listed here are: IntrRxNoBuf,
IntrRxWakeUp, IntrTxAborted
Interrupts included here but not used in the driver are:
IntrRxOverflow, IntrRxDropped.
I've known about this for a while but I wasn't sure how to fix everything...
I wasn't sure if every interrupt was handled correctly.
For example what exactly is the difference between IntrTxAbort and
I was also puzzled as to why the docs say:
Transmit Descriptor Underflow for IntrMIIChange
I am talking about the newest VT86C100A docs.
I believe Urban Widmark had a patch that redefined that interrupt but it was
never included.
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