Yes, and they should all be fixed. But the one which is never found
by the compiler or any simple testing is a clear winner in the "trap
for programmers" category.
> I think it may be the best to have Corbet to update the O'Reily
> book with a chapter of common traps and add a @-comment near
> the copy_from_user.
> In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I used
> copy_from_user wrong once, many years ago. The lesson which
> I extracted was different though. I decided that I was arrogant
> and foolish to program without reading interface specifications
> or the code. It did not occur to me to shift the blame onto
> copy_from_user creators.
Please send me your mailing address. I shall send you a copy of
"Design of Everyday Things" (Donald A Norman). You should not blame
yourself for others' bad design.
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