> On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 09:21:12AM -0500, Wayne.Brown@altec.com wrote:
> >
> > OTOH, those of us who are not looking forward to kbuild 2.5 are grateful
> > for any delays we can get.
> ...and what would your beefs (beeves?) with kbuild-2.5 be? I searched the
> archives for the last 12 months and I don't see anythinng from you
> relevant to kbuild-2.5. Keith has been addressing concerns quite regularly;
> I should think if you have constructive comments, he'd surely listen.
I have not seen much complaints over kbuild-2.5, and what I have seen
(i.e. it was slower) Keith has done a very good job of addressing (i.e.
now it is faster). Whatever items come up in the future, I suspect
Keith is committed to fixing. Right now, however, it is certainly hard
for him to maintain kbuild-2.5 against a moving kernel tree and work on
new features. Keith knows I will stop sending him Christmas cards if
kbuild-2.5 was merged and he did not follow up on issues - I suspect
that will not happen. :)
Fwiw, I like kbuild-2.5 and want it in.
> You *do* have constructive comments, right?
Probably not. Like most of the noise on lkml these days, non-developers
seem to have an opinion on everything yet offer little value. Code
talks and ...
Robert Love
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