Re: kswapd OOPS under 2.4.19-pre8 (ext3, Reiserfs + (soft)raid0)
Mike Fedyk (
Fri, 17 May 2002 10:15:31 -0700
On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 07:16:29PM -0500, Todd R. Eigenschink wrote:
> I just reset after another oops. It's similar to, but different from,
> the previous one; the call stack is the same but they die in different
> places.
> I put the output of "gcc -E" and "gcc -S" (with the rest of the
> command-line parameters) at the following URLs so you can see what the
> asm turned into on my machine (gcc 2.95.3); I'm not very x86-asm
> literate, so most of it's $FOREIGN_LANG to me.
Have you tried testing the memory and power supply?
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