On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 10:24:48AM +0530, Chandrasekhar wrote:
> We have a SH7729 based system(SH 7729 based hardware of V610/V612
> Intelligent terminal).I want to know whether the basic CPU porting for the
> SH7729 processor for Linux has been done.If so can you mention the details
> of the web site where the patch for this processor is present
You'll want to take a look at the LinuxSH project, located at
http://www.sf.net/projects/linuxsh (CVS head against 2.5, linux-2_4-branch =
You'll probably also want to subscribe to the linuxsh-dev mailing list, sin=
that's more of an appropriate venue for this kind of thing than l-k is.
As for the SH7729, that's just another SH-3 DSP. It's supported in CVS
already. If you have a custom board using it, the Harp board is another one
that uses it as well, which should give you a decent starting point for
bringing it up on your hardware.
Paul Mundt <lethal@chaoticdreams.org>
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