A lot closer - though ours is really 10TB online, with 300+ TB nearline.
Note - most these really large filesystems allow the inode tables and
bitmaps to be stored on disks with a relatively small blocksize (raid 5),
and the data on different drives (striped) with a large block size (I believe
ours is 64K to 128K sized data blocks, inode/bitmaps are 16K-32K.) This is
done for two reasons:
1. the data blocks are temporary until the the file migrates to tape and
is striped. If we loose a disk out of the stripe, the filesystem is
sort of dead. Replace the disk and all is well since the metadata IS
protected. Files that were physically damanged are recalled from tape.
New files not yet migrated are destroyed, but since the tape archive
is created as near the file creation date (close time), it doesn't really
happen that often. Not many files will be damaged.
2. The inode/bitmap metadata is raid5 for maximum protection. Backup of
just the metadata can also be done much faster (about 3 hours in our
The division allows for high integrity of the meta data (which is also
backed up daily (incremental) - but without the corresponding datablocks),
along with maximum capacity for data. 1/5 of 200TB is about 40TB if raid5
were used with everything.
And for the curious, the filesystems are SAMFS and SAMQFS on Sun E10000s.
We migrated the data from Cray NC1 filesystems with DMF - Cray data
migration facility (this took over 4 months. Would have taken only a month
or two, but we also had to accept new data at the same time).
Jesse I Pollard, II
Email: pollard@navo.hpc.mil
Any opinions expressed are solely my own.
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