If they do make up the majority of strings, that's partly because
you don't have Andrew's out_of_line_bug work in your tree, partly
because your linker isn't combining strings (mine neither, does any?),
partly because (I suspect) you're overlooking the vast number of BUG
__FILE__ strings which are just leafnames, to each of which you're
now proposing to add one or more __FUNCTION__ strings.
And note that __LINE__ number is of __FILE__, not of KBUILD_BASENAME,
nor of __FUNCTION__; so __INCLUDE_LEVEL__ may be necessary to make
sensible messages (if you insist on proceeding without out_of_line_bug:
which Andrew didn't push to Linus, in belief that a string-combining
linker is on the way).
> See reply to Andrew Morton.
I did see your exchanges with Andrew, but you don't seem to be
understanding one another, so I'm trying to be more explicit.
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