Re: [PATCHSET] 2.4.19-pre8-jp12
Pozsar Balazs (
Thu, 16 May 2002 11:19:22 +0200 (MEST)
> > But the worst problem for is supermount:
> > # mount -t supermount -o dev=/dev/cdrom none /mnt/cdrom
> > # ls -l /mnt/cdrom
> > ls: .: Stale NFS handle (~or something similar)
> > [...] (and it lists the file)
> Hmmm.. I've been seeing this problem in the latest -ac kernels too.
> Basically, a while after mounting the CD a ls on any subdir of the
> mount will complain about a 'stale NFS handle' and the device has
> to be remounted.
I thougth it wasn't Jorg's fault :). Unfortunately I immediately get this
message :(.
Balazs Pozsar
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