I'm not sure if you really understood what the problem is from my
description above because your kind suggestion doesn't make sense to me.
First of all there's no pivot_mount but there's only pivot_root (never
mind, it is clear you meant pivot_root).
Secondly pivot_root has nothing to do with handle_initrd.
Go read init/do_mounts.c::handle_initrd. There are only two ways:
1) you specified rootfstype=ext3, then the real rootfs will be
mounted as ext3 and not as ext2, but the initrd must also
be mountable by ext3 and that's not the case normally (the same
rootfstype will apply to both the initrd and the real root fs,
the fact rootfstype applies to both doesn't make sense but
that's another issue and I don't want to be forced to use
rootfstype anyways, I don't like having to pass an argument for
something that can be done at runtime by the kernel).
2) you didn't specified rootfstype=, in such case ext2 will be
tried first because it got registered first because ext2 is linked
into the kernel and ext3 is a module
That's all, and that's an autodetection bug because ext3 must be always
tried first, there's no point at all to try to mount with ext2 before
ext3 (of course unless rootfstype= is specified).
If it works for you it means you regularly reboot with SYSRQ+B (or
some workaround on those lines), and so ext2 doesn't mount
and in turn ext3 is later tried. otherwise if ext2 mounts cleanly ext3
is _never_ tried and you cannot mount ext3 as rootfs without my patch
that enforces the ordering.
Make sure to check with /proc/mounts that your rootfs is really using
ext3 and not ext2, or you may not notice.
If it works for you it's probably because ext2 is a module too, or maybe
more simply because ext3 is linked into the kernel.
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