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lm@bitmover.com said:
> We've already built all the interfaces you need to do this, so would
> you be interested in writing the shell script that does it? The
> interfaces you will want:
> bk export -tpatch
> bk import -tpatch
> bk comments
> bk changes -v
> You'll want this, I believe that you can take the output of this
> command and feed it into bk comments and have that be a noop. If that
> works, this is what you need to save as the comments part of the
> patch, and now it's pretty trivial to move the patch backwards.
I've got a shell script which does this (I use it to take test patches from my
build tree back to a pristine source for submission to linus). I'm afraid
it's a bit rough and ready, but it takes a given set of changes, wraps them up
as patches, extracts the comments and applies them as patches to a different
tree and then inserts the comments. I wrote it a while ago, so it may be a
little dusty and lacking in the newer bitkeeper features.
Content-Type: text/plain ; name="bkexport"; charset=us-ascii
Content-Description: bkexport
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bkexport"
# Author: James Bottomley
# Tool to backport from bitkeeper repositories
# $Id: bkexport,v 1.1 2002/03/16 15:50:50 jejb Exp $
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 {-C <change set list>|-R <repository>} <other repository>";
exit 1;
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
case $1 in
-C) changeset=$2
-R) changeset=`bk changes -d':REV:\n' -L $2|sort -n`
*) usage;;
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
echo "DIRECTORY $dir MUST EXIST" 2>&1
exit 1;
# get the changes
for c in $changeset; do
echo "Applying ChangeSet $c"
bk export -tpatch -du -r$c > $tmpdiff
pushd $dir > /dev/null
bk get -e `awk '/^diff/{print substr($3,3)}' < $tmpdiff`
patch -p1 < $tmpdiff
popd > /dev/null
bk changes -v -n -d':GFILE: :REV:' -r$c | {
while read file rev; do
if [ "$file" = "ChangeSet" ]; then
echo "Applying change log for $file revision $rev"
bk prs -h -d'$each(:C:){(:C:)\n}' -r$rev $file > $tmpfile
pushd $dir > /dev/null
bk ci -y"`cat $tmpfile`" $file
popd > /dev/null
bk prs -h -d'$each(:C:){(:C:)\n}' -r$c ChangeSet > $tmpfile
pushd $dir > /dev/null
echo "Commiting ChangeSet $c"
bk commit -d -Y$tmpfile
popd > /dev/null
rm -f $tmpdiff $tmpfile
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