Re: InfiniBand BOF @ LSM - topics of interest
Stephen Hemminger (
15 May 2002 09:34:34 -0700
On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 22:01, Pete Zaitcev wrote:
> The thing about Infiniband is that its scope is so great.
> If you consider Infiniband was only a glorified PCI with serial
> connector, the congestion control is not an issue. Credits
> are quite sufficient to provide per link flow control, and
> everything would work nicely with a couple of switches.
> Such was the original plan, anyways, but somehow cluster
> ninjas managed to hijack the spec and we have the rabid
> overengineering running amok. In fact, they ran so far
> that Intel jumped ship and created PCI Express, and we
> have discussions about congestion control. Sad, really...
> -- Pete
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This sounds like deja vu all over again.
Each new interconnect technology like ATM seems to go through the cycle:
Assert: all other network protocols are crap
Deny: history
Assert: our problem is different, therefore we must
reinvent everything from data transfer up to applications
Reality strikes!
New technology ends up being used with standard applications and
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