> Appologies for an OT post, but I am hoping someone here will
> have an answer.
> It appears that the select() call as found in RH 7.3 waits too
> long before it returns. I come to this conclusion because I
> was dropping a large number of UDP packets when I allowed the
> select timeout to be > 0. However, if I force the timeout to
> be zero in all cases, almost no packets are dropped (but the
> packet generator/receiver uses all of the CPU) My traffic pattern
> is 10Mbps send + 10Mbps receive on 4 ports (of a DFE-570tx 4-port
> NIC, tulip driver), pkt size of 1200 to 1514.
> If I understand select() correctly, it should work equally fast
> with a timeout of zero or 10 minutes, as long as the file descriptors
> are ready to be read from or written to.
You don't understand select()/poll() correctly.
If you call select()/poll() with a timeout then every "event" has to
be added to a kernel wait queue, and then removed from the wait queue
when any of those events happen or the timeout occurs.
[snip ... ]
> If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
Do a double poll() call, Eg. this code uses socket_poll and timer_q
from http://www.and.org/ ...
static int mypoll(void)
const struct timeval *tv = timer_q_first_timeval();
int ret = 0;
int msecs = -1;
if (tv)
long diff = 0;
struct timeval now_timeval;
gettimeofday(&now_timeval, NULL);
diff = timer_q_timeval_diff_msecs(tv, &now_timeval);
if (diff > 0)
if (diff >= INT_MAX)
msecs = INT_MAX - 1;
msecs = diff;
msecs = 0;
if (!(ret = socket_poll_update_all(0)) && msecs)
return (socket_poll_update_all(msecs));
return (ret);
-- # James Antill -- james@and.org :0: * ^From: .*james@and\.org /dev/null - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/