Thanks for sending the new patch, I'd be interested in the testprograms :-)
BTW: any idea what happens when a thread which is suspended happens to be in
kernel mode? Guess this could be possible with 2.5.X... Does gdb handle that?
On Monday 13 May 2002 21:17, you wrote:
> The following patch for 2.5.14 kernel, applies cleanly to the 2.5.15
> kernel.
> This work has been tested on the 2.5.14 kernel using a few pthread
> applications to dump core, from SIGQUIT and SIGSEV. This unit test has been
> done on both 2 and 4 way systems. Further, some stress testing has been
> done where, the core files have been created while the system is under
> schedule stress from the chat room benchmark running while creating the
> core files. This implementation seems to be quit stable under a busy
> scheduler, YMMV. These test programs are available uppon request ;)
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