It's a slightly older P3B-F board with Intel IDE. It's not my system, but it
has been running fine as long as I can remember.
> Are you:
> a) using a hard-disk on the same cable as a CD/DVD
The IDE disk layout is:
IDE pri: HD + HD
IDE sec: CD + HD
The RAID is constructed from IDE primary master + secondary slave. (40 + 30 GB
> b) seeing any "hdX: status error: status=0x58 {DriveReady SeekComplete
> DataRequest}" errors in your log
> c) seeing (b) in close proximity to ATAPI module init messages like:
> "hdb: ATAPI 24X DVD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache, UDMA(33)"
> ?
> If yes to all/most of the above, you may be suffering from the same
> bug.
b) and c) are no, no.
> If not, your inodes in RAM are probably being trashed by a
> different bug :-))
Hm, wherever. ;) The problem manifested itself right after a reboot. Postfix
complained at boot about dirs in spool/postfix not owned by postfix and at
some point the fs was remounted ro. I dunno where to look, maybe it's indeed
MD RAID + ext3 like Andreas pointed out?
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