At 02:22 AM 14/05/2002 +0200, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
>I think raid0 is a good start to make all disks running at the same time
>for O_DIRECT too (only make sure to use a buffer large nr_PV*512k or
same hardware as before -- dual P3 Xeon (733MHz), 133MHz FSB, 2G PC133 SDRAM.
this time, a raid-0 array using MD driver across 8 x 18G 15K RPM disks. md
driver is using "128k chunks".
kernel is 2.4.19pre8aa2 with the qlogic 2300 HBA driver compiled with
vary_io set to 1. FC network is all 2gbit/s. no highmem.
kernel is booted using "profile=2" and has lockmeter compiled in also.
system rebooted after each test.
i promise its the same amount of data for each test this time: :-)
O_DIRECT blocksize = 4 megabytes, blocks = 28000: 112000 mbytes in
977.869706 seconds (120.10 Mbytes/sec)
'raw' blocksize = 4 megabytes, blocks = 28000: 112000 mbytes in
1659.551271 seconds (70.77 Mbytes/sec)
base blocksize = 8 kilobytes, blocks = 14336000: 112000 mbytes
in 918.287570 seconds (127.89 Mbytes/sec)
nocopy hack: blocksize = 8 kilobytes, blocks = 14336000: 112000 mbytes
in 671.560772 seconds (174.88 Mbytes/sec)
net-effect is that O_DIRECT still has a performance hit versus base, 'raw'
just sucks wind versus the others, even 'nocopy' cannot hit line-rate on
the fibre-channel card. (its possible to hit 205mbytes/sec using sg_tools
sg_read or sg_dd).
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# readprofile -r;
./test_disk_performance bs=4m blocks=28000 direct /dev/md0 >
/tmp/vary_direct.txt; readprofile -v | sort -n -k4 >> /tmp/vary_direct.txt
Completed reading 112000 mbytes in 977.869706 seconds (120.10
Mbytes/sec), 34849usec mean
[root@mel-stglab-host1 tmp]# tail -20 vary_direct.txt
8012aa50 mark_dirty_kiobuf 234 2.0893
8013f0e0 set_bh_page 134 2.0938
801d28b0 generic_make_request 785 2.5822
80136d40 __free_pages 137 2.8542
80142a10 max_block 406 3.1719
8011f950 do_softirq 724 3.2321
801405d0 brw_kiovec 3219 3.5296
80271370 md_make_request 484 4.3214
80200fb0 __scsi_end_request 1321 4.3454
8023d670 sd_find_queue 334 5.2188
80142c80 blkdev_get_block 358 5.5938
80140560 wait_kio 690 6.1607
80152820 end_kio_request 601 7.5125
80267320 raid0_make_request 3059 9.1042
8013e950 init_buffer 310 9.6875
801d29e0 submit_bh 1274 11.3750
801d22a0 __make_request 20967 13.5097
8013dd10 unlock_buffer 1283 16.0375
80140520 end_buffer_io_kiobuf 2946 46.0312
80106d20 default_idle 151886 2373.2188
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# readprofile -r;
./test_disk_performance bs=4m blocks=28000 /dev/raw/raw1 >
/tmp/vary_raw.txt; readprofile -v | sort -n -k4 >> /tmp/vary_raw.txt
Completed reading 112000 mbytes in 1659.551271 seconds (70.77
Mbytes/sec), 59167usec mean
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# tail -20 /tmp/vary_raw.txt
8012a740 get_user_pages 636 1.3707
80203890 scsi_init_io_vc 989 1.8180
80136d40 __free_pages 126 2.6250
8012aa50 mark_dirty_kiobuf 300 2.6786
8011f950 do_softirq 836 3.7321
801d28b0 generic_make_request 1727 5.6809
8013e950 init_buffer 237 7.4062
801405d0 brw_kiovec 7164 7.8553
80200fb0 __scsi_end_request 2574 8.4671
8023d670 sd_find_queue 602 9.4062
80140560 wait_kio 1155 10.3125
80271370 md_make_request 1176 10.5000
8013f0e0 set_bh_page 799 12.4844
80152820 end_kio_request 1084 13.5500
80267320 raid0_make_request 5904 17.5714
801d29e0 submit_bh 2426 21.6607
8013dd10 unlock_buffer 2540 31.7500
801d22a0 __make_request 77413 49.8795
80140520 end_buffer_io_kiobuf 5540 86.5625
80106d20 default_idle 214369 3349.5156
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# readprofile -r;
./test_disk_performance bs=8k blocks=14336000 /dev/md0 >
/tmp/vary_base.txt; readprofile -v | sort -n -k4 >> /tmp/vary_base.txt
Completed reading 112000 mbytes in 918.287570 seconds (127.89
Mbytes/sec), 63usec mean
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# tail -20 /tmp/vary_base.txt
80135010 delta_nr_cache_pages 591 6.1562
80203890 scsi_init_io_vc 3448 6.3382
801288b0 _spin_unlock_ 894 6.9844
8013f380 create_empty_buffers 717 7.4688
80133e60 kmem_cache_alloc 2152 7.9118
80267320 raid0_make_request 3125 9.3006
801d28b0 generic_make_request 2861 9.4112
801d29e0 submit_bh 1304 11.6429
8013f0e0 set_bh_page 795 12.4219
80108a48 system_call 766 13.6786
801d22a0 __make_request 23675 15.2545
8012e0c0 unlock_page 1990 15.5469
80140ea0 try_to_free_buffers 5294 15.7560
801340e0 kmem_cache_free 2563 20.0234
80136d40 __free_pages 1012 21.0833
801298cc .text.lock.lockmeter 3129 21.1419
801287d0 _spin_lock_ 4097 36.5804
8013e970 end_buffer_io_async 9310 48.4896
8012edd0 file_read_actor 26102 233.0536
80106d20 default_idle 59883 935.6719
nocopy hack:
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# readprofile -r;
./test_disk_performance bs=8k blocks=14336000 nocopy /dev/md0 >
/tmp/vary_nocopy.txt; readprofile -v | sort -n -k4 >> /tmp/vary_nocopy.txt
Completed reading 112000 mbytes in 671.560772 seconds (174.88
Mbytes/sec), 46usec mean
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# tail -20 /tmp/vary_nocopy.txt
8013f020 get_unused_buffer_head 1152 6.0000
80134fb0 delta_nr_inactive_pages 583 6.0729
80135010 delta_nr_cache_pages 617 6.4271
801288b0 _spin_unlock_ 854 6.6719
80133e60 kmem_cache_alloc 2154 7.9191
8013f380 create_empty_buffers 785 8.1771
80267320 raid0_make_request 3112 9.2619
801d28b0 generic_make_request 2876 9.4605
801d29e0 submit_bh 1293 11.5446
8013f0e0 set_bh_page 759 11.8594
80108a48 system_call 778 13.8929
8012e0c0 unlock_page 1814 14.1719
80140ea0 try_to_free_buffers 4908 14.6071
801d22a0 __make_request 23997 15.4620
801340e0 kmem_cache_free 2562 20.0156
80136d40 __free_pages 980 20.4167
801298cc .text.lock.lockmeter 3411 23.0473
801287d0 _spin_lock_ 4099 36.5982
8013e970 end_buffer_io_async 8741 45.5260
80106d20 default_idle 39093 610.8281
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