Alright, another one.
$ ./ /usr/src/ChangeLog-2.5.14
Summary of changes from v2.5.13 to v2.5.14
o kd.h (
o NTFS: Release 2.0.6 - Major bugfix to make compatible with other kernel changes. (
o mm/memory.c: (
o suppress allocation warnings for radix-tree allocations (
o radix-tree locking fix (
o Allow truncate to discard unmapped buffers (
o decouple swapper_space treatment from other address_spaces (
o Allow ext3 pages to be written back by VM pressure (
o Fix SMP race in truncate (
o handle concurrent block_write_full_page and set_page_dirty (
o Fix PG_launder (
o Fix concurrent writepage and readpage (
o Documentation update (
o remove PRD_SEGMENTS (
o 2.5.13 IDE 50 (
o 2.5.13 IDE 51 (
o 2.5.13 IDE 52 (
o 2.5.13 IDE 53 (
o [PATCH 2.5.13 IDE 54 (
o remove global_bufferlist_lock (
o fix syntax errors. (
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my %people = ();
my $addr = "";
my @cur = ();
my $len = 60;
sub append_item()
if (!$addr) { return; }
if (!$people{$addr}) { @{$people{$addr}} = (); }
push @{$people{$addr}}, [@cur];
@cur = ();
sub print_terse_items($)
my @items = @{$people{$_[0]}};
while ($_ = shift @items) {
my $fill = (" " x ($len - length(@$_[0]) + 1));
print "@$_$fill($_[0])\n";
while (<>) {
# Match address
if (/^\s*<([^>]+)>/) {
# Add old item (if any) before beginning new
$addr = $1;
} elsif ($addr) {
# Add line to patch
# strip whitespace at start & end
# kill starting 'PATCH' captions
# insert a bullet
s/^(.*)$/o $1/;
# Only save 1 line
if (scalar(@cur) < 1) {
push @cur, "$_";
# save record line length
if ((my $nlen = length($_)) > $len) { $len = $nlen; }
} else {
# Header information
foreach $addr (sort keys %people) {
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