Did this happen in 2.4? If so please give me the exact kernel because
doing DMA on a PIO transaction is a driver bug!
On Sun, 12 May 2002, Andre LeBlanc wrote:
> Ok, I signed up to this list from work under the name aeleblanc, now i'm at
> home, so to see this history look at the other messages, anyway, i was
> having alot of troubles getting DMA Working on my system, its a duron 1GHz
> on an ECS Motherboard w/ an SiS Chipset. Actually, even with DMA Disabled i
> was getting Hard drive errors... anyway, I tried compiling 2.5.15 because i
> was told that 2.4.19-pre8 and up had better IDE Support, but during the boot
> process on the new Kernel I get the following messages
> hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC }
> hda: recalibrating!
> { dma_intr }
> hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC }
> { dma_intr }
> hdb: DMA Disabled
> then the system Locks solid.
> can anyone help me with this, this is the third kernel I've tried and
> they've all had very serisous problems.
> -
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Andre Hedrick
LAD Storage Consulting Group
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