> Hi,
> On Sun, 12 May 2002, Diego Calleja wrote:
> > > attempt to access beyond end of device
> > > 08:12: rw=0 want=268574776 limit=8747392
> >
> > I'm not an expert, but this perhaps isn't a reiserfs problem.
> Nope. It looks much more like the IDE problem Tomas Szepe addressed in
> "2.5.15 IDE possibly trying to scribble beyond end of device"
... except that he's using 2.4
BTW, what had caused these reboots? If it was memory corruption anywhere -
all bets are off and no journalling will save you. Contrary to the
popular myth, journalling filesystems (or soft-updates, or mounting
everything full-sync) do _NOT_ protect against hardware problems and
kernel bugs.
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