2.4.19pre8aa2 booted with "profile=2" on dual P3-Xeon (733MHz), 2G PC133
SDRAM, qlogic 2300 HBA (firmware 3.01.02 driver version 6.0b20).
8 x 15K RPM 18G FC disks are directly-attached using 2gbit/s FC (actually,
its via a FC switch but that makes zero difference..).
kernel is set with PAGE_OFFSET_RAW at 8000000 (ie. no highmem defined)
no idea if the "vary-io" stuff is enabled for the qlogic driver or not --
some hints as to what to look for needed here..)
a clean reboot was done prior to each test.
the benchmark results, in summary:
O_DIRECT 62.02 mbyte/sec (2048 x 1048576byte reads)
/dev/rawN 52.31 mbyte/sec (2048 x 1048576byte reads)
base: 127.71 mbyte/sec (262144 x 8192byte reads)
nocopy hack: 182.17 mbyte/sec (262144 x 8192byte reads)
we can still say that:
- 'nocopy' is still 50% faster than copy_to_user(). ie. overhead of
copy_to_user worth
~60mbyte/sec and 18usec latency
- O_DIRECT is superior to /dev/raw/rawN but is still a huge performance hit
versus normal i/o on the block devices.
the benchmark results, in detail: (traces for each at bottom of email)
- O_DIRECT and disk devices never touched (ie. no filesystem on them at all),
2.4.19pre8aa2 performance is down slightly to 62mbyte/sec (compared to
65mbyte/sec with 2.4.18):
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# readprofile -r; \
./test_disk_performance blocks=2K bs=1m direct /dev/sd[e-l] >
/tmp/direct.txt; \
readprofile -v | sort -n -k4 >> /tmp/direct.txt
Completed reading 16000 mbytes in 257.977850 seconds (62.02
Mbytes/sec), 15867usec mean
- i/o without O_DIRECT on 2.4.19pre8aa2 basically has DOUBLE the performance:
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# readprofile -r; \
./test_disk_performance blocks=256K bs=8k /dev/sd[e-l] >
/tmp/base.txt; \
readprofile -v | sort -n -k4 >> /tmp/base.txt
Completed reading 16000 mbytes in 125.288417 seconds (127.71
Mbytes/sec), 59usec mean
- same rest using i/o on /dev/raw/rawN instead:
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# readprofile -r; \
./test_disk_performance blocks=2K bs=1m /dev/raw/raw[1-8] >
/tmp/raw.txt; \
readprofile -v | sort -n -k4 >> /tmp/raw.txt
Completed reading 16000 mbytes in 305.878143 seconds (52.31
Mbytes/sec), 18583usec mean
- to round out the numbers, we still have a bogus file_read_actor() that
doesn't actually
do the copy_to_user, thereby showing the overhead associated with that:
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# readprofile -r; \
./test_disk_performance blocks=256K bs=8k nocopy /dev/sd[e-l] >
/tmp/nocopy.txt; \
readprofile -v | sort -n -k4 >> /tmp/nocopy.txt
Completed reading 16000 mbytes in 87.827854 seconds (182.17
Mbytes/sec), 41usec mean
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# tail -20 /tmp/direct.txt
8012a670 follow_page 25 0.1202
8012a740 get_user_pages 89 0.1918
80136d40 __free_pages 10 0.2083
801d28b0 generic_make_request 83 0.2730
8012aa50 mark_dirty_kiobuf 35 0.3125
8013f0e0 set_bh_page 22 0.3438
8011f950 do_softirq 88 0.3929
8023d670 sd_find_queue 26 0.4062
80142a10 max_block 54 0.4219
80200fb0 __scsi_end_request 165 0.5428
80142c80 blkdev_get_block 37 0.5781
801405d0 brw_kiovec 581 0.6371
80140560 wait_kio 90 0.8036
80152820 end_kio_request 76 0.9500
801d29e0 submit_bh 181 1.6161
8013e950 init_buffer 55 1.7188
801d22a0 __make_request 3073 1.9800
8013dd10 unlock_buffer 189 2.3625
80140520 end_buffer_io_kiobuf 408 6.3750
80106d20 default_idle 45686 713.8438
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# tail -20 /tmp/base.txt
80133e60 kmem_cache_alloc 249 0.9154
80200fb0 __scsi_end_request 291 0.9572
80134fb0 delta_nr_inactive_pages 93 0.9688
801288b0 _spin_unlock_ 131 1.0234
8013f380 create_empty_buffers 107 1.1146
80135010 delta_nr_cache_pages 119 1.2396
801d28b0 generic_make_request 396 1.3026
8013f0e0 set_bh_page 102 1.5938
80108a48 system_call 91 1.6250
801d29e0 submit_bh 185 1.6518
801340e0 kmem_cache_free 217 1.6953
80140ea0 try_to_free_buffers 664 1.9762
801d22a0 __make_request 3214 2.0709
8012e0c0 unlock_page 283 2.2109
801298cc .text.lock.lockmeter 332 2.2432
80136d40 __free_pages 125 2.6042
801287d0 _spin_lock_ 585 5.2232
8013e970 end_buffer_io_async 1234 6.4271
8012edd0 file_read_actor 3732 33.3214
80106d20 default_idle 8875 138.6719
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# tail -20 /tmp/raw.txt
80122c50 tqueue_bh 4 0.1250
8012a670 follow_page 33 0.1587
8012a740 get_user_pages 118 0.2543
80203890 scsi_init_io_vc 139 0.2555
8012aa50 mark_dirty_kiobuf 36 0.3214
80136d40 __free_pages 22 0.4583
8011f950 do_softirq 113 0.5045
801d28b0 generic_make_request 204 0.6711
8013e950 init_buffer 34 1.0625
8023d670 sd_find_queue 70 1.0938
8013f0e0 set_bh_page 74 1.1562
80200fb0 __scsi_end_request 365 1.2007
801405d0 brw_kiovec 1288 1.4123
80140560 wait_kio 193 1.7232
80152820 end_kio_request 166 2.0750
801d29e0 submit_bh 347 3.0982
8013dd10 unlock_buffer 357 4.4625
801d22a0 __make_request 11014 7.0966
80140520 end_buffer_io_kiobuf 835 13.0469
80106d20 default_idle 45156 705.5625
nocopy hack:
[root@mel-stglab-host1 src]# tail -20 /tmp/nocopy.txt
8012dec0 page_cache_read 197 0.7695
80134fb0 delta_nr_inactive_pages 77 0.8021
80133e60 kmem_cache_alloc 221 0.8125
8013f020 get_unused_buffer_head 182 0.9479
801288b0 _spin_unlock_ 124 0.9688
80135010 delta_nr_cache_pages 110 1.1458
8013f380 create_empty_buffers 114 1.1875
801d28b0 generic_make_request 375 1.2336
801d29e0 submit_bh 201 1.7946
8013f0e0 set_bh_page 121 1.8906
8012e0c0 unlock_page 254 1.9844
80108a48 system_call 116 2.0714
801d22a0 __make_request 3234 2.0838
80140ea0 try_to_free_buffers 707 2.1042
801340e0 kmem_cache_free 272 2.1250
801298cc .text.lock.lockmeter 392 2.6486
80136d40 __free_pages 134 2.7917
801287d0 _spin_lock_ 636 5.6786
8013e970 end_buffer_io_async 1200 6.2500
80106d20 default_idle 5226 81.6562
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