I will but I dont have any such similar problem until
2.4.19-pre7-ac4. The box is very stable; even with
2.4.19-pre7-ac4 if I did not exit X.
ah, one more detail, actually the OOPS happened when
exiting X, not because of starting a new X server. The
other strange thing with 2.4.19-pre7-ac4 is it can not
turn off the computer if I run ` sudo halt` as a
child process of icewm, If I start a new terminal and
run sudo halt ; X goes down and if during that I
press Alt + F1 the text screen appear and it can turn
off. I think this problem related to the OOPS ;
How it is possible?
May be there is a change in the kernel setup, or
memory allocation etc..?
Steve Kieu
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