Re: [PATCH] 1/6: 64 bit jiffies

Denis Vlasenko (
Sat, 11 May 2002 21:18:04 -0200

On 11 May 2002 08:25, Tim Schmielau wrote:
> +static inline void init_jiffieswrap_timer(void)
> +{
> + init_timer(&jiffieswrap_timer);
> + jiffieswrap_timer.expires = jiffies + CHECK_JIFFIESWRAP_INTERVAL;
> + jiffieswrap_timer.function = check_jiffieswrap;
> + add_timer(&jiffieswrap_timer);
> +}

I'm ignorant on the issue... does active timer mandate check for
expiration at every timer tick? If yes, it is somewhat silly to use timer:
such check would be more costly than

if(!++jiffies) jiffies_hi++;

(or similar) construct in timer int.

BTW, I always liked above thing more that any other 64 jiffy solution.
What's wrong with it?

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