Fun stuff! With PTX we were doing something very similar near
the end of our days with PTX:
PTX could run Linux Binaries
PTX could run a System 390 emulator (Flex/ES ?)
PTX could *almost* run VMWare (might be able to run Win4Lin or Boochs...)
PTX could sever as a Citrix (Windows NT) server
Picture Windows running in VMWare, talking to an OS/390 emulator
on the same hardware. You might have been able to run Linux on
390, as well as VM/SP or whatever...
Add on all the other Linux emulators and you had quite a few applications
you could run on a single platform, all able to talk to each other. ;-)
Customers wanted to run legacy OS/390 apps that they had lost the
binaries for, with a fast, modern database (Oracle or DB2) running
at native speed, with either Linux or Windows applications. Add
UML and you can do development and client support like System 390
can do with Linux and you have an interesting (if a bit perverted ;-)
Sick and twisted...
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