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On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 12:25:10PM +0200, Jens Axboe wrote:
> Mark Hahn wrote this little script to detect support for TCQ, modified
> by me to not use the hdX symlinks.
> [...]
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # bit 1 (TCQ) and 14 (word is valid) must be set to indicate tcq support
> $mask =3D (1 << 1) | (1 << 14);
> # bit 15 must be cleared too
> $bits =3D $mask | (1 << 15);
> # mail me the results!
> $addr =3D "linux-tcq\@kernel.dk";
> foreach $i (</proc/ide/ide*>) {
> foreach $d (<$i/hd*>) {
> @words =3D split(/\s/,`cat $d/identify`);
> $w83 =3D hex($words[83]);
> if (!(($w83 & $bits) ^ $mask)) {
> $model =3D `cat $d/model`;
> push(@goodies, $model);
> chomp($model);
> print "$d ($model) supports TCQ\n";
> }
> }
> }
> if ($addr && $#goodies) {
$#goodies refers to the last index of the array and scalar @goodies to
the actual number of elements. So you probably got only mails from
people having more than two drives supporting TCQ... :)
> open(M, "| mail -s TCQ-report $addr");
> print M @goodies;
> close(M);
> }
Fixed version attached.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=tcq_support
# bit 1 (TCQ) and 14 (word is valid) must be set to indicate tcq support
$mask = (1 << 1) | (1 << 14);
# bit 15 must be cleared too
$bits = $mask | (1 << 15);
# mail me the results!
$addr = "linux-tcq\@kernel.dk";
foreach $i (</proc/ide/ide*>) {
foreach $d (<$i/hd*>) {
@words = split(/\s/,`cat $d/identify`);
$w83 = hex($words[83]);
if (!(($w83 & $bits) ^ $mask)) {
$model = `cat $d/model`;
push(@goodies, $model);
print "$d ($model) supports TCQ\n";
if ($addr && @goodies) {
open(M, "| mail -s TCQ-report $addr");
print M @goodies;
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