Thanks for the clarification.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard B. Johnson []
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 5:34 AM
To: Kerl, John
Cc: ''
Subject: RE: FPU, i386
On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Kerl, John wrote:
> There is an error here which shouldn't be propagated:
> if (fabs(a-b) < 1.0e-38)
> ...
It is not an error at all.
> "Machine epsilon" for doubles (namely, the difference between 1.0 and
> the next largest number) is on the order of 2e-16. This is a rough
> estimate of the granularity of round-off error; and in fact 1.0 / 0.2
> and 5.0 can't possibly be as close as 1.0e-38, unless they're exactly
> equal.
This is not correct. The FPU in (even) the i486 stores 'tiny' (defined in
the Intel book) in extended real format. Quantities as small as +/- 3.37
* 10 -4932 are represented internally. Any comparison of real numbers is
(or certainly should be) done internally. The hard-coded example of
1.0e-38 is well within the dynamic range of both the FPU and the double
As explained on page 16-3 of the Intel 486 Programmer's Reference
Manual, the FPU tries to prevent denormalization. Denormalization
produces either a denormal or a zero. Even single precision
denormals all have exponents of -46 or more negative, also well
within the -38 cited.
> There are four epsilon-ish things to be aware of:
> * Difference between 0.0 and next float above: ~= 1.4e-45
> * Difference between 0.0 and next double above: ~= 4.9e-324
> * Difference between 1.0 and next float above: ~= 1.2e-7
> * Difference between 1.0 and next double above: ~= 2.2e-16
> The first two are more useful for things like detecting underflow; the
> last two (some numerical folks suggest using their square roots) are
> more useful for implementing an "approximately equals".
I agree with your explainations on everything following:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> The poster was incorrect in expecting 1.0 / 0.2 to be exactly equal to
> anything, as was explained to him. But the problem doesn't have to do
> with whether a number is transcendental, or irrational, or rational:
> the number must be rational *and* must have a mantissa whose
> denominator is a power of two *and* that power of two must be less than
> or equal to 23 (for single) or 52 (for double). And of course 1/5 is
> 2^-3 * 8/5, of which the mantissa has denominator 5, which isn't a power
> of two.
> So we all should know not to expect floating-point numbers to be
> exactly equal to anything; that's been established. However, another
> more basic question was not answered; curiosity (if nothing else)
> demands an answer. Namely, it's OK to say we can't expect 1.0/0.2 ==
> 5.0. But why is the result of (what is apparently) the same
> computation *sometimes* the same, and *sometimes* different? That's the
> question.
> And I think it's fair for the poster to want to know why.
> If you disassemble the sample program, you'll see that without
> optimization, 1.0 is divided by 0.2 at *run* time, and compared with
> 5.0; with optimization, the division is done, and the "<" and
> "==" comparisons are done, at *compile* time. OK, but: If we're not
> cross-compiling (most people don't), then the compiler creating a.out
> is running on perhaps the same box as a.out is! Why does gcc, folding
> the constant in the optimized a.out, get a different answer for 1.0/0.2
> than the unoptimized a.out gets for 1.0/0.2?
> Not only that, without optimization:
> if (1/h < 5.0)
> ...
> gives a different answer inside a.out than
> x = 1/h;
> if (x < 5.0)
> ...
> The key is that Pentiums (Pentia?) have 80-bit floating-point numbers
> in the FPU. Without optimization, at compile time, gcc represents 5.0
> as 0x4014000000000000. 0.2 is 0x3fc999999999999a. These are both
> 64-bit doubles -- 1 sign bit, 11 exponent bits, & 52 explicit mantissa
> bits (and 1 implicit leading mantissa bit, not stored in memory.)
> In the case "if (1/h < 5.0)", at run time, 1.0 is loaded into the FPU
> using fld1; then "fdivl {address of 0.2 in memory}". The result is the
> *80-bit* number 0x40019ffffffffffffd80. The 64-bit number 5.0
> (0x4014000000000000) is loaded into the FPU to become the 80-bit number
> 0x4001a000000000000000. Then, these two 80-bit numbers are compared in
> the FPU; they're of course not the same.
> What's different in the case "x = 1/h; if (x < 5.0) ..." is that both
> 80-bit numbers are stored from the FPU to memory as 64-bit (rounding
> off the mantissa bits which differ), at which point they're both
> 0x4014000000000000, then loaded *back* into the FPU where they're
> both 0x4001a000000000000000.
> This isn't an FPU bug, by any stretch of the imagination, nor is it a
> compiler bug. But it's a subtle difference between the Pentium's FPU
> and other FPUs, of which it may occasionally be useful to be aware.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard B. Johnson []
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 7:23 AM
> To: rpm
> Cc: Jesse Pollard; Nikita@Namesys.COM; Andrey Ulanov;
> Subject: Re: FPU, i386
> On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, rpm wrote:
> > On Wednesday 17 April 2002 08:10 pm, Jesse Pollard wrote:
> > > --------- Received message begins Here ---------
> > >
> >
> > > if (int(1/h * 100) == int(5.0 * 100))
> > >
> > > will give a "proper" result within two decimal places. This is still
> > > limited since there are irrational numbers within that range that
> > > still come out with a wrong answer, but is much less likely to occur.
> > >
> > > Exact match of floating point is not possible - 1/h is eleveated to a
> > > float.
> > >
> > > If your 1/h was actually num/h, and num computed by summing .01 100
> times
> > > I suspect the result would also be "wrong".
> > >
> >
> > why is exact match of floating point not possible ?
> Because many (read most) numbers are not exactly representable
> in floating-point. The purpose of floating-point it to represent
> real numbers with a large dynamic range. The trade-off is that
> few such internal representations are exact.
> As a simple example, 0.33333333333..... can't be represented exactly
> even with paper-and-pencil. However, as the ratio of two integers
> it can be represented exactly, i.e., 1/3 . Both 1 and 3 must
> be integers to represent this ratio exactly.
> All real numbers (except trancendentials) can represented exactly
> as the ratio of two integers but floating-point uses only one
> value, not two integers, to represent the value. So, an exact
> representation of a real number, when using a single variable
> in a general-purpose way, is, for all practical purposes, not
> possible. Instead, we get very close.
> When it comes to '==' close is not equal. There are macros in
> <math.h> that can be used for most floating-point logic. You
> should check them out. If we wanted to check for '==' we really
> need to do something like this:
> double a, b;
> some_loop() {
> if(fabs(a-b) < 1.0e-38)
> break;
> }
> Where we get the absolute value of the difference between two
> FP variables and compare against some very small number.
> To use the math macros, the comparison should be something like:
> if (isless(fabs(a-b), 1.0e-38))
> break;
> Cheers,
> Dick Johnson
> Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
> Windows-2000/Professional isn't.
> -
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Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
Windows-2000/Professional isn't.
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