> In article <m171Yag-000Ga6C@Wasteland> you wrote:
>>On Saturday 27 April 2002 7:57 pm, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
>>>Sorry if this is a FAQ, but where's the microcode.dat supposed to be
>>>placed? I can't find any information about that in the doc.
> hum doesn't the FHS specify that /usr/share shouldn't contain arch
> specific files ? microcode.dat I can't really call arch neutral....
Right! But is not a configuration file (in /etc/, like the original sources
and RH). So it should be in /usr/lib (or in /usr/include, it is really a C/C++
file, but now we don't use it as a C file).
Anyway, I will no change the location [1]. The file is a nearly a C file, so
no problems with other archs. I see it as the man pages of lilo, and other
arch specific program. They are in /usr/share, readable by all arch,
but not so usefull on other arch.
PS: Do you maintain the RH kernel-utils ?
[1] until I find a good new location in FHS
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