RAV AntiVirus scan results

Fri, 26 Apr 2002 14:17:49 +0300

RAV AntiVirus for Linux i686 version: 8.3.2 (snapshot-20020108)
Copyright (c) 1996-2001 GeCAD The Software Company. All rights reserved.
58 more days to evaluate.
Running on host: fm.radiototal.ro

RAV Antivirus results

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 1019819866-RAV11604.
The file (part0001:value.exe) attached to mail (with subject:Undeliverable mail--"contextual navigation info ") sent by alex@radiototal.ro to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org,
is infected with virus: Win32/Klez.H@mm.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by RAV AntiVirus.
this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from Ukdspifax (unknown [])

Scan engine 8.5 (Standard) for i386.
Last update: Wed Apr 24 10:42:51 2002
Scanning for 66310 malwares (viruses, trojans and worms).

To get a free 60-days evaluation version of RAV AntiVirus v8
(yet fully functional) please visit:


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