> > Von: <davem@redhat.com>
> > Gesendet: 24.04.2002 16:11
> >
> > 2.4.x-kernel, when it's useless without patching Network Drivers?
> > It is not useless for the drivers that have been fixed.
> Ok, but i have a stock 2.4.18 kernel, i can enable the VLAN option, recompile the kernel, configure a VLAN without any error or hint.
> BUT: If i try to do ftp or ping with a payload greater than 1468 my
> tulipbased ZNYX 346Q ethernetcards drop those packets. The driver or the
> card cannot handle those packets. They are to large. Maybe a driverpatch
> solve my problem - maybe not. The kernel itself doesn't care. vconfig
> doesn't barf. It silently fails.. not so good behaviour in my opinion.
> This is why there are always the same questions on the vlan mailinglist.
See linux-kernel archives.. some time ago Paul P Komkoff Jr <i@stingr.net>
posted a patch for tulip to make VLANs work.. the subject of the post was
something like "tulip and VLAN tagging".
> > Because the solutions are hardware specific to allow these extra
> > 4 bytes to be received by the card. Some cards, in fact, cannot
> > support VLAN at all because they cannot be programmed at all to
> > take those 4 extra bytes.
> Ok. But why isn't there a "tag" (capabilities?) on the drivers which let vconfig barf with a message like "underlying network driver or hardware doesn't support VLAN"?
> > No it isn't useless. There are many network drivers for which VLAN
> > works out of the box RIGHT NOW.
> Ok. But i don't get a message about the drivers which don't work. Which driver work/which not? Isn't it easier to tag all drivers as not VLAN-ready till somebody make a patch or confirm that its working with VLAN?
> On the other side, my ZNYX works "out of the box" too. It works till 1468 Bytes ;) - I tend to say that ALL nic-drivers/hardware work till 1468 Bytes. But its not the intention of VLAN to lower the MTU on each Client.
- Pasi Kärkkäinen
. .
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