Thunder from the hill wrote:
> --- bk-kernel-howto.txt~ Mon Apr 22 12:26:50 2002
> +++ bk-kernel-howto.txt Mon Apr 22 12:26:11 2002
> @@ -15,6 +15,14 @@
I'd prefer this to be a separate document (e.g. README) and not
somewhere inbetween.
> + Also, BitKeeper is not free software. You may use it for free, subject
> + to the licensing rules (bk help bkl will display them), but it is
At that point it's already too late, the user must have the chance to
read this, before he installs bk.
> + not open source. If you feel strongly about 100% free software
> + tool chain, then don't use BitKeeper. Linus has repeatedly stated
That has a "for all these idiots, that don't want to understand"
aftertaste, I'm certain Linus doesn't want to imply that.
bye, Roman
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