Re: HPT372 on KR7A-133R (ATA133) on production server

Vincent Bernat (
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 12:22:50 +0200

OoO Lors de la soirée naissante du jeudi 18 avril 2002, vers 17:12,
Andy Jeffries <> disait:

> It was crashing the Kernel, I helped a friend get his working with a patch
> which he has uploaded on his website. To date, I haven't had a reply when
> I tried to ask who to submit it to on here (2.4.18 isn't fixed

I was experiencing DMA trouble with 2.4.18 when using software RAID 0
on this motherboard. There was no problem when not using RAID
software, even when doing parallel transfer between two disks. The
problem disappeared with Alan Cox' 2.4.19-pre4-ac6 (not sure, will
check the version, but the problem still was here with

There was no problem when using software RAID for the card (but
performances were poor). But definitly, it is still under heavy

  * Hash table gook..
	2.4.0-test2 /usr/src/linux/fs/buffer.c
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