Re: [RFC] 2.5.8 sort kernel tables

Kai Henningsen (
18 Apr 2002 20:16:00 +0200 (William Lee Irwin III) wrote on 18.04.02 in <>:

> On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 07:46:26PM +1000, Keith Owens wrote:
> > The use of __init and __exit sections breaks the assumption that tables
> > such as __ex_table are sorted, it has already broken the dbe table in
> > mips on 2.5. This patch against 2.5.8 adds a generic sort routine and
> > sorts the i386 exception table.
> > This sorting needs to be extended to several other tables, to all
> > architectures, to modutils (insmod loads some of these tables for
> > modules) and back ported to 2.4. Before I spend the rest of the time,
> > any objections?
> It doesn't have to be an O(n lg(n)) method but could you use something
> besides bubblesort? Insertion sort, selection sort, etc. are just as
> easy and they don't have the horrific stigma of being "the worst sorting
> algorithm ever" etc.

Surely the worst (working) sort is randomsort? (Check if sorted. If not,
pick two entries at random, exchange, retry.)

MfG Kai
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